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Tech editing services

Combine a background in engineering, obsessive knitting & crochet, knitwear design and a voracious appetite for reading design books and you get a tech editor- That's me!


I have experience with a wide range of patterns as a maker and designer and have taken the tech editing classes and classes on pattern grading and design.


What does tech editing cover?


It can include: proof reading; comparing gauge with stitch counts; checking stitch counts, increases, decreases; checking sizing against standards; clarity of instructions; checking photos; checking charts (if relevant).


Why have your pattern tech edited?

Find those errors, they are very hard to spot in your own work.

Make sure your instructions make the intended final project.

Have confidence in a polished pattern that makers will love.

I offer a special fixed rate offer for your first accessory pattern:

  • £17 for a basic accessory (e.g. cowls, hats, scarves, single sized items)

  • £35 for more complex accessories (e.g. socks, heavily patterned hats or cowls, multi-sized accessories)

This price includes checking style and layout; proof reading; comparing gauge with stitch counts; checking stitch counts, increases, decreases; checking sizing against standards; clarity of instructions; checking photos; checking charts (if relevant).


For further patterns, larger items such as garments or lace shawls, or more complex editing, such as grading, I offer a rate of £21.00 per hour.


If you are looking for tech editing for your patterns get in touch via email using contact @ alittlebitsheepish (dot) co (dot) uk

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